Blog Randall

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

LANDRETH REUNION Luncheon - June 9th

(This is where we list our covered-dish) In a memo (Click here to read the memo) from the Directors of the Landreth Cemetery Trust, a reunion and covered-dish luncheon has been announced for Saturday, the 9th of June.

Family members and supporters will be briefed on the current financial status of the Trust, along with, open discussions concerning the future direction of the cemetery.

Don't forget to sign the register when you get to the Landreth Reunion. That way, you will receive future mailings of the Landreth Reunion newsletters.

It was suggested that we pose for a group photograph and that a copy be placed in the Palo Pinto, Texas Sesquicentennial TIME CAPSULE. (See the Blog entry below.)

Grilled chicken and cold drinks will be provided. So, put together some dishes you like with that particular entree. And in the ole Geupel tradition, the luncheon will be prepared and served by the best cooks in Texas! BAR NONE! I know because I've eaten at many of them and consider myself an expert (the eating part - not the cookin' part.)

Make your plans now to attend the Landreth Reunion. If you need additional information concerning the meeting, please call Kenneth Taylor at 940-769-3076 or 817-475-0591, or the offices of the NATTY TATTLER at 940-859-3380.

Since Bob Erwin is cookin' the chickens, I thought we'd list the dishes we're going to bring, so that there will be no duplications.

Click the word: COMMENT shown below, and then list your covered dish where eveyone can read it... and that way, nobody brings the same thing.